Monday, June 7, 2010

What a weekend ...

Friday, Saturday and Sunday were a little crazy around here ... On Friday, I had to take our Toby over to the vet's office because he was yipping and yelping in pain when he did certain things.  For me and my husband, this meant one thing - and one thing only -- a back problem.  We've had five dachshunds now - and we've gone down the back surgery route with both Callie Sue (twice) and Ezri (three times).  And with Ezri she technically needed to have had a neck surgery too - but we opted to treat that medically rather than surgically.  After several courses of a heavy-hitting cocktail of anti-inflammatories, pain killers and muscle relaxers, we avoided that neck surgery.  But just a few weeks ago her neck problem flared up again, and we had to make the awful decision to put her down. 

And now, here we are dealing with the same thing with Toby.  Toby has never had any medical problems (a good thing), and is very close to target weight for a doxie (another good thing).  So we're hopeful that the bulging disc will respond to treatment.

On Saturday I was out running around trying to buy a couple items for my Mom for her birthday on Sunday.  I splurged while I was out and got myself a new pair of slippers for my anniversary.  My husband and I got married on my Mom's birthday.  So my Mom is a year closer to retirement and me and my husband marked our 18th. anniversary!!  We had a nice family gathering over at Mom's house on Sunday to celebrate with my sister and her husband and their new baby coming to town for the day, and my Grandma driving over too.   We were there for the majority of the afternoon and evening.  

While I was out on Saturday I was dodging the thunderstorms all afternoon.  And finally I got caught in one of the downpours while leaving Walmart.  I looked like a drowned rat when I finally got everything loaded into the car.

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