Monday, June 28, 2010

Nickel Pinwheels (10/28/08)

Maybe now that my computer situation is on its’ way to being under control, I can start posting my daily pictures of quilts that I’ve made.  So today’s look back in time is to my Nickel Pinwheel quilt that I did back in October of ‘08.  This is just the top, it has not been quilted yet.  This larger-than-lap sized quilt was done in 1930’s nickels that I had been collecting.  Outside of the pinwheels I added a white border, with a blue border and an additional white border to finish it off.



  1. Nice reading you blog. Great pinwheel quilt! Lovely colours,I am sure you will have it quilted in no time!!! I have stuff everywhere to be quilted,and one day hopefully it will be done,(I`m not quite sure really!) Like the yo-yo pillow,once I did 74 of them on A Kittens Tale quilt,I loved doing them all. Happy Quilting to you:)
