Here's my Bento Box quilt that I finished back on 8/6/06 ... it's my look back project of the day. I purchased this as a kit from a great quilt shop in Medina, Ohio, which (sadly) is no longer in business. They mixed in a few surprise fabrics, a couple of flannels, and a couple of textured fabrics, to add some spice to the beautiful mixture of cottons.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hmmm ... What are they?
Started doing the embroidery for a new project, but I can't tell you what the project is ... not yet!
My look back for this morning is to a project from July of 2005. This was part of a Moda Tin Box which I turned into a pillow when I finished piecing the top. I love looking back at projects from a few years ago, it makes me realize what progress I've made with my quilting and sewing. And that makes me feel good.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
And Your Point Is ...
My look back today is to a quilt that I did in January of 2006 ... called And Your Point Is. It was a kit being offered at the, one of my favorite on-line shops.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Yo-Yo Purse (4/25/2010)
I sat in the car for hours while my husband was in physical therapy for a broken ankle ... all the while I was making yo-yo after yo-yo. Finally I decided what to do with them. I used the Old Sturbridge Village line.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Americana Home ...
My look back for today is Americana Home (modified). This was a pattern that I saw in a magazine. I modified it slightly to use it with Jelly Roll strips and changed the size. The top was completed in October of '08. It's a lap quilt in size.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
American Primer Pineapple Blossom
My look back quilt for today is my American Primer Pineapple Blossom quilt. I think it turned out really neat - and I'm looking forward to quilting it. Yes, it's been waiting to be quilted since November of '08.
River through the basement ...
It was storming most of the day today ... which has caused a river in the basement. Not good :(
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Allspice Tapestry ...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Shopping ...
Didn't have a very good savings day at the grocery today ... only came up with a 27% savings at Meijer.
Afterward I treated myself to a quick trip to JoAnn Fabrics to use my two gift cards from Christmas (yes, I managed to hold on to them for four months!) ... Between my 40% coupon, my 10% discount card, and my two gift cards, I ended up only owing $3.61. That was a fun trip!!!
While I was gone, hubby got the lawn mowed for the first time this season.
Afterward I treated myself to a quick trip to JoAnn Fabrics to use my two gift cards from Christmas (yes, I managed to hold on to them for four months!) ... Between my 40% coupon, my 10% discount card, and my two gift cards, I ended up only owing $3.61. That was a fun trip!!!
While I was gone, hubby got the lawn mowed for the first time this season.
My look-back of the day are the A-Door-Ables that I made for my Mom, Grandma and sister back in April of 2006.
And here are the bright and shining faces of the recipients ...
And here are the bright and shining faces of the recipients ...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Today's little look back ... A Little Romance
This is a quilt from a Moda kit called A Little Romance. My alternate name for it is "Pink Parasols". I completed this on 7/16/2008.
Here's the quilt on the frame - I'm leaving it on the large side so that you can see all of the quilting on it.
Here's the quilt on the frame - I'm leaving it on the large side so that you can see all of the quilting on it.
Wow ... A full night ...
Wow there's a lot of stuff on t.v. tonight ... the NFL draft, the Cavs play in Chicago, Survivor, the Project Runway finale ... whew!! How amazingly excellent! (and the Indians beat the Twins this afternoon)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Poke Cake for Dessert ...
We call it Jello Cake in our family, but I understand that it's known as "poke cake" in other parts of the country. That was our treat tonight ...
Looking Back ... 5-Stripe Garden
Another look back to a quilt top from Feb. '09, this time a simple piece called 5-Stripe Garden. While the piecing is VERY basic on this, the main attraction will be the quilting.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Passed the 10,000 image mark ...
I passed the 10,000 image mark with my scanning today! Now this doesn't count images that have been photographed - so that adds a few more thousand images to the mix, but this is individual scans. Woo Hoo!!!
More scanning ...
Today is another day of scanning ... all day. The other day I scanned over 300 documents, and yesterday I did about 285 ... I'm tired of scanning, but I have a ton of documents left to do ....
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Woo Hoo ... Time zone problem fixed!!!
Okay, it took me a couple of weeks - but I finally got my time zone problem solved. Several people emailed me to ask if I was quilting at 6 a.m. Alas, I was not ... I thought I had fixed the problem a couple of days ago, but it remained set at Pacific time. I'm in the great State of Ohio, so I'm definitely in the Eastern time zone.
I should also take a moment to send some congrats to my dearest friend Steph ... she spoke at a political event on tax day, and I just saw the YouTube video of it. She did a great job for being relatively new to that whole arena. Once we were college roommates, now we're both speakers ... I'm out doing my genealogy programs and she's doing political speeches. Life is always full of strange twists and turns!
I should also take a moment to send some congrats to my dearest friend Steph ... she spoke at a political event on tax day, and I just saw the YouTube video of it. She did a great job for being relatively new to that whole arena. Once we were college roommates, now we're both speakers ... I'm out doing my genealogy programs and she's doing political speeches. Life is always full of strange twists and turns!
Sunday ... Back to work?
Despite it being Sunday, I'll be back to work scanning records. I'm really on a deadline now ... so I'm pushing, pushing, pushing to get these done! It was "sew" fun being part of the Tote Bag Party yesterday. I had never participated in an on-line sewing party before, and I'm so glad that they gave me a chance to participate. I'm not a member of the CGGQC so they were nice to let me join in.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Bag Finished ...
Well I finished up my bag a little while ago ... here's the inside ...
And here's the outside ...

This was my own design, but I don't know what I'll call it yet. In case anyone wonders, I did stitch down the prairie points so that they wouldn't be flapping around, or get all wrinkled and messy.
Hmmm .... What can I do next?
And here's the outside ...

This was my own design, but I don't know what I'll call it yet. In case anyone wonders, I did stitch down the prairie points so that they wouldn't be flapping around, or get all wrinkled and messy.
Hmmm .... What can I do next?
Update ...
Got interrupted for a little while this morning, so that slowed down my bag progress ... but I folded and pressed the prairie points (10 of them) to attach to the top of the bag ...
Tote Bag Time!!!

This is the first time that I'm participating with an on-line sew-in group ... and sew far it's going well!
Started out with a checker board of nickel squares, then layered it with very, very, very thin batting ...
Then I selected blue/turquoise #100 silk for the quilting ...
And I did a quick and easy meander pattern across the entire piece. Then I cut out two rectangular shapes for my bag.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A look back ...
Every few days I will post a picture of some of my past quilts and other sewing projects ... Today I'm posting a picture of a piece from about a year ago (Feb. '09), called Three Bars. It was made from leftover pieces from another project.
Thunder and rain ...
A heavy storm came through this afternoon, enough to make me shut down all of the computers and stop scanning for a couple of hours - but I finally did finish the box that I've been working on.
Wild turkeys in the farmer's field ...
We're lucky enough to have a house with no one else living directly behind us. The adjacent property belongs to a farmer, we affectionately call him Farmer Brown, although we've never met him and have no clue as to his real name. Since we have that field and wooded area behind the house, we sometimes get a glimpse of some wild turkeys ... but usually only in the fall. As I was walking into the quilt room today, I saw some dark spots off in the distance - and when I focused in on them, it turned out to be three wild turkeys. I had to really zoom in to get a picture of one of them, the other two had ducked behind the trees by the time I grabbed my camera!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tote bag time this weekend ...
I really hope I'll be included in the Tote Bag Party this weekend at the Dandelion Quilts site. (
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Another cream, another brown ...
Since hubby was at golf this evening, I had some time to work in the quilt room ... two more rows on this set of blocks, a cream row, and another brown row .... I think I'm almost done with this set of blocks!! Woo Hoo!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Another row ...
I hate faxing ...
My old computer, which still has faxing capability, has decided to quit sending faxes today ... just when I need to fax out tax documents and some medical stuff from the hospital. Eeek! :(
How to quilt it?
I don't want to fall into the trap of ditch quilting the spool wall hanging ... but I think that's what's going to happen. Uggh!
August Wall Hanging (in April) & Pineapple Log Cabin started ...
On Saturday I worked on a wall hanging which has 16 pieced spool blocks. I've had this kit in my closet for a few years now ... and finally decided that it was time to pull it out and get it pieced. I had purchased it from a quilt shop in Medina, Ohio, which has been closed for a couple of years now. It was a neat shop, in an old church. One of my favorite parts of this wall hanging is the binding that was included ... it's cheddar yellow/orange! That just absolutely makes it!
On Sunday afternoon, I started another new piece (yes, instead of finishing up the spool wall hanging). This piece is a larger quilt called Pineapple Sundae, a pineapple log cabin quilt that I've been wanting to do for quite some time. And like Saturday's project, this was yet another project that came out of my closet! Now this project is going to take some time ... a lot of time I have a feeling. I worked on a group of seven blocks all evening - and didn't even get those seven blocks finished. And there are 30 BLOCKS in all! Eeek! The instructions had me fooled, I thought because it used some Honey Bun rolls (from Moda) that I would have a lot less cutting to do. But the instructions have me using the Pineapple Rule, a gadget which has been in my toolbox for a looooonnnnnggggg time, and that requires a lot of precision cutting.
On Sunday afternoon, I started another new piece (yes, instead of finishing up the spool wall hanging). This piece is a larger quilt called Pineapple Sundae, a pineapple log cabin quilt that I've been wanting to do for quite some time. And like Saturday's project, this was yet another project that came out of my closet! Now this project is going to take some time ... a lot of time I have a feeling. I worked on a group of seven blocks all evening - and didn't even get those seven blocks finished. And there are 30 BLOCKS in all! Eeek! The instructions had me fooled, I thought because it used some Honey Bun rolls (from Moda) that I would have a lot less cutting to do. But the instructions have me using the Pineapple Rule, a gadget which has been in my toolbox for a looooonnnnnggggg time, and that requires a lot of precision cutting.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Splish Splash Blocks
Here are some adorable little blocks that I made for my new nephew, Jacob. I used the Splish Splash line from Moda.
Poetry Collection Purse 4-3-2010
Here's a spring bag that I finished up the night before Easter. (just in time) This collection had been in my stash for quite awhile -- finally got around to using it.
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